The “Fatal Four” of OSHA

To enhance workplace safety and keep employees safe, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) continually revises rules and disseminates new risk information. Every year, they provide information on common infractions and mortality reports from various industries. “The Fatal Four” is one of their most important concerns.

Although it may sound like the name of a death metal band, this list is really about the four most prevalent causes of death in the construction business. It’s no surprise that the industry with the most deaths and infractions has its own OSHA list.

Looking at these dangers can make employees and supervisors more aware of how important it is to safeguard themselves and others around them. The greatest method to prevent deaths is to get adequate training and attend OSHA compliance courses from Hard Hat Training. Supervisors may guarantee that their staff is prepared for the job by requiring them to attend these programs before taking on their next assignment.


A building site, as predicted, has several elevated spots. Workers on the roof of a building or on a second-floor platform are at risk of falling to the earth at any time. Fall prevention is the most prevalent workplace infraction, according to OSHA.

One of the reasons many people fall is that they need to use the proper safety gear. Even at lower heights, OSHA requirements are in force. There should always be some kind of safety mechanism, such as a net or guardrail, to provide some protection if a fall does occur. Employees should also be provided with safety equipment like harnesses.

Ladders and scaffolding are also significant causes of falls in the construction industry. While many people believe ladders are simple to use, they must be in good working order before they can be used. This includes being slip-resistant and having rungs that are evenly spaced. They, like scaffolds, must be secured in place so that they do not fall over, especially when in use.

Employees must also ensure that the equipment is being used appropriately. While climbing or descending ladders, kids must face the rungs and not backward. They should also utilize something other than scaffolds, such as ladders, as they are not as strong or can handle the same weight.


Construction sites are more than simply teeming with laborers. They are also loaded with various heavy machineries such as bulldozers and excavators. Because drivers operate from such great heights, they may only sometimes see individuals around and can quickly run one over. Even if the car isn’t being driven, it might be harmful if they’re lifting or moving something.

To begin, all drivers must be appropriately licensed to operate the machinery with which they are assigned. This not only assures legality but also that they will not drive dangerously. Communication is also important since they may use a walkie-talkie to notify others when they are approaching a certain location.

Other employees can also defend themselves in a variety of ways. Wearing the proper equipment, such as hard helmets, will keep their heads safe in the event that something, such as debris, falls from a machine or structure. Bright colors, such as neon orange, can also help machine drivers see them as they pass through the site.

If they observe a machine coming through, they should avoid approaching it. Even if they don’t plan to be in the way, appliances might be unpredictable and deviate from their typical course owing to anything as simple as a shift in the wind.


Excavators frequently dig trenches on construction projects to make place for new buildings or to remove barriers. If other employees are not aware of them, they might quickly become entangled and trapped. Several of these holes can be pretty deep and difficult to climb out of. This particular disaster accounted for 5% of all construction deaths in 2019.

Signs must be placed around trenches or excavation sites to notify employees before they enter the area. Installing guards or fencing is also a fantastic safety measure. Obstructions should also be kept out of the path because it is simple to cover over trenches inadvertently.

Caught-ins also include workers who become trapped or stuck in tight places as a result of machinery. This happens when a machine or other piece of equipment is not properly turned off or locked, allowing it to move in on someone. For this reason, machines should never be left alone. While approaching a stationary object, drivers should also make sure there is no one close.


When working on a structure, electricity will undoubtedly be required to power these areas. Engineers and electricians are on the scene to work on these hazardous components. Yet, electric fixtures such as power wires may already be in place and, since they are not visible, might cause harm to any worker. Touching a power line or working with wires incorrectly can result in shocks, burns, and explosions.

Supervisors should also contact the electric provider to ensure that electricity is turned off on the job site when undertaking chores such as excavation. This will prevent machines from colliding with a line and inflicting injuries or fatalities. Anyone working near electricity should also be provided with heavy-duty gloves and goggles in case they come into contact with a live wire.

Electric tools must also be used with caution. This includes only utilizing them in dry weather and making sure they are grounded or well-insulated. Whenever a worker sees that something is wrong with a tool, they should notify a supervisor immediately and never attempt to use it. Injuries can result from frayed wires.

Taking OSHA Training

Having a “fatal” list indicates that construction workers must take their tasks as seriously as possible. A project has a lot to accomplish, and staying safe is just as crucial as finishing it. Taking lessons that educate you on how to comply with OSHA standards is the simplest method to do so.

Supervisors may use Hard Hat Training’s courses to guarantee that their entire team is prepared to take on responsibilities safely. Hard Hat Training includes information covering a wide range of topics, including those especially suited to the “fatal four” dangers in the construction sector.

Employees can attend lessons online or with an expert going to their workplace to offer materials. After finishing the course and passing a test, their management can determine if they comply with the requirements sufficiently to do their work safely.

In addition to this particular training, all members of a construction crew can attend programs that focus on dealing with crises, such as first aid and CPR. While the programs do not render someone “qualified,” they do better equip them to execute their work and reduce the likelihood of deaths.

Although the construction sector may be hazardous, not every site must be hazardous. With the proper procedures and knowledge, your team may complete projects on schedule and without injuring anyone. Visit to learn more about the courses offered by Hard Hat Training.

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