Compliance Training Success Metrics

Compliance offers spend a significant amount of time on employee training. They are either developing adequate material for it or going into the field to lead sessions, whether face-to-face or online compliance training. Moreover, there’s one thing that compliance officers do, which is to keep track of the employee training to measure its success.

That way, compliance officers and employers can determine how well the training material and programs are and what improvements must be made. So, what metrics should you track for success?

Metrics for Employee Participation

Before anything else, compliance officers should track the way employees take in their training. Here are important metrics to follow:

Completion rates: How many employees actually complete their compliance training courses? This can be measured in how many people complete their online training or the number of attendees in face-to-face sessions. For necessary and crucial training, like anti-harassment or anti-bribery issues, the completion rate must be 100%.

Time to completion: How much time does it take between announcing to your employees to take the training and when they actually finish said training?

Success rates: How many employees pass the tests after their compliance training program?

We recommend tracking these metrics by critical population segments in the company:

  • Department
  • Geographic location
  • Job level

You can get more granular and add more factors, as needed. These metrical will help you identify any issues with the training. For instance, you notice low completion rates or high failure rates in certain markets, it means it’s time to improve or reconsider the way you train employees.

Metrics for Employee Engagement

You must also look into how the training changes employee behavior (or how it doesn’t). Here are the important metrics to look into:

Changes in internal reporting: If you launched new training sessions on anti-harassment, anti-bribery, or other subject matters, do you notice any changes in how employees report through internal reporting channels? It can be through increased hotline reports, complaints to HR, or the different questions employees ask.

Changes in the way people use the company’s Code of Conduct: If the company has an interactive Code of Conduct, are there any changes in what employees search for?

Changes in employee surveys: It’s important to give out surveys about corporate culture or observation of misconduct. If training sessions achieve its objectives, it would result in new employee attitudes and perceptions about their company’s culture of compliance.

Why is Data Important?

All the metrics mentioned boil down to one thing: Compliance officers must have a system in check to properly track all that data. Furthermore, they need to study the data to know what it says about the compliance training program.

That’s where platforms like True Office Learning come along, which help make compliance training programs easier to implement and track. Through platforms like these to track participation rates, employee survey results, and the like, you can make things easier for you and your employees.

Wrapping It Up

Make sure to invest in the proper tools to track these compliance training metrics for further success.

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